Mae’s Story on the (Many) Relatable Barriers to Cervical Cancer Screening and How an At-Home Option Could Help
January 27, 2025

Key Takeaways:
- Many women and people with a cervix face barriers to in-clinic cervical cancer screening. We need more accessible screening options.
- The Teal WandTM* can overcome many of these barriers with convenient and comfortable at-home screening, paired with consistent telehealth support.
- Increasing access with an at-home option would mean that more people stay on top of their routine screenings, helping to prevent cervical cancer and premature deaths from this disease.
Too Busy. No Childcare. It’s Uncomfortable. I’ll Do it Later.
Mae is 39 years old and a full-time working mom who lives with her young son and husband in Connecticut. Her experience with cervical cancer screenings – especially struggling to make time in her busy schedule to get to the clinic – can resonate with most of us.
After participating in the Teal Health clinical trial, Mae tells us how an at-home cervical cancer screening would help her stay on top of her preventive healthcare.
When it comes to cervical cancer, routine screening saves lives. This is one of the only cancers where screening can mean disease prevention, or allow an early enough diagnosis for a high cure rate of 91%. However, over 4000 women still die from this disease each year in the United States, where screening engagement is declining. Cervical cancer particularly affects young women – of those aged 20 to 39 years, around 10 die each week from cervical cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer death in this age group.
Like so many of us, Mae describes knowing the importance of this screening and wanting to stay up-to-date. But, she finds herself putting it off for a myriad of reasons. We’ve all been there before. Childcare. Work is busy. It’s uncomfortable, I’ll do it another day. In fact, over 1 in 4 women are currently behind on their cervical cancer screening in the United States.
“(Cervical cancer screening) was just not top of my priority list. I kind of kept pushing it off and pushing it off. It's not fun. Going and having a Pap smear done is not my favorite doctor's appointment. So, it’s one that I can pretty easily be like, ‘Oh, I'll get to it. I'll get to it.’”
For Mae, delaying her cervical cancer screenings also stems from birthing trauma, which makes these intimate exams using a speculum in a clinic setting feel all the more distressing. She describes how these speculum exams usually feel for her:
“They’ll always be like, ‘It's going to be a little pressure’ And I’m like, ‘It’s not pressure, it’s pain!’ It's uncomfortable and I am pretty nervous, so I am tensing and that isn't going to help the process at all. [...] It’s physically painful, and sometimes I can't believe how open they make (the speculum)!”
When she agreed to participate in the Teal Health clinical study, she was already behind on her screenings and thought an at-home self-collection option would be worth a try. Mae describes how easy it was for her to self-collect using the Teal Wand, and was shocked at how simple and comfortable this screening process could be.
“(Using the Wand) was easier than a COVID test. I was shocked at how easy it was. The instructions were really clear and it all worked out really well. [...] The device itself is really easy to use. It's literally a Wand. It's not some cumbersome, weird apparatus. It was a very simple device. It was really quick, [...] and the Wand didn’t hurt.”
Using the Wand, Mae also found that the emotional challenges that she and many others feel with tolerating the speculum were resolved. She describes how the Wand made her feel in control, allowing her to collect at her own speed with the privacy she needed.
While Mae reflects on how much tougher it has become to stay on top of her preventive screenings since becoming a mom and balancing work demands, she emphasizes that being able to screen at home would mean that she can prioritize her health needs.
“I have a very, very busy job. I serve on 2 boards. I have a lot going on. [...] The prospect of an at-home test is so cool because you can literally do it at your own home. You don't need to schedule something, drive somewhere, or have an appointment. [...] A hundred percent, absolutely, I would stay on top of this screening with an at-home option.”
We know that Mae is far from alone in her experience – more than 94% of our clinical study participants would prefer a trusted at-home option for their cervical cancer screenings. And, like Mae, 86% tell us that an at-home option would mean they could stay on top of their recommended cervical cancer screenings,
As we spend this month continuing to build awareness around cervical cancer, we encourage you to schedule your routine screening if you have not already. While the (many) barriers to cervical cancer screening may be relatable and challenging, there is no better time to prioritize your health and well-being than now.
In the meantime, Teal Health is working on an at-home screening option. Join our waitlist to be the first to know when you can screen with the Teal Wand.
Thank you, Mae, for generously sharing your story. Teal Health is incredibly grateful to all our study participants, with a special acknowledgment for those who shared their personal stories about cervical cancer screening with us.
*The Teal Health Cervical Cancer Screening device is an Investigational Device and is under review by the US FDA.
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